Composite films

From POLIFIBRA processed as composite polyester films UL and IEC / CEI are tested.

We laminate polyester films with one or more flexible materials. So can be made, for example composite films made of polyester, pressboard, fabrics, metal foils, fleece, Nomex *, etc. By the connection of different materials, the characteristics of the individual products can be significantly improved:
  • greater tear and tensile strength
  • higher tearing or tear propagation resistance
  • Advanced heat resistance up to 180 ° C (class H)
  • favorable conjunction with impregnating agents
  • improved heat dissipation
  • Avoid oxidation polyester
  • better insulation
  • Cost reduction in the production
* Registered trademark of DuPont

Our Products


Electrical insulation of thermal class B up to 130 ° C according to IEC 626-3 sheet 100-102-112.

Polipress is a composite of pressboard and polyester film. The quality of "S" refers to the execution of the composite polyester / pressboard, the term "D" stands for the 3X Composite material / Polyester / pressboard. The film thickness of the polyester film is 25μ or 50μ and pressboard thickness is variable depending on the thickness of the overall assembly.

Thanks to the combination with polyester pressboard receives a much higher tensile strength with good flexibility and dielectric properties.

Different versions of the film type Polipress

Type S/23

Nominal thickness mm

0,13 0,18 0,23 0,28 0,33 0,38
Type S/50

Nominal thickness mm

0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40
Type D/50

Nominal thickness mm

0,25 0,35 0,45 0,55

More product specifications are available upon request.


Electrical insulation of thermal class B up to 130 ° C according to 626-3 sheet 110-111-112-113-114-115.

Politrix is an advancement for Polipress D. In Politrix the strength of the force the paper web remains the same, while the inner layer of polyester is changing.

Characterized a higher mechanical and electrical effect is achieved. The good Tränkmittelaufnahme through the kraft paper remains. The sometimes problematic moisture absorption of pressboard and the resulting curl is avoided.

Different versions of the film type Politrix

Type D 23 D 50 D 75 D 100 D 125
Nominal Thickness mm 0,13 0,15 0,18 0,20 0,23

More product specifications are available upon request.

Polimex (N.M. and N.M.N.)

Insulation for thermal class F (155 ° C) - IEC 626-3 SHEET 302-303-312-313.

In order to meet the conditions for WKL "F", the polyester film laminated on both sides with Nomex *. For this purpose, an adhesive temperature class "H" is used. Polimex is a composite of Mylar A with Nomex by DuPont.

Different versions of the film type Polimex

Type 2S/50 2S/75 2S/100 2S/125 2S/190 2S/250 2S/350
Nominal Thickness mm 0,11 0,13 0,16 0,18 0,25 0,31 0,41

More product specifications are available upon request.

* Registered trademark of DuPont


Electrical insulation of thermal class B / F to 130 ° C / 155 ° C according to IEC 626-3 sheet 500

POLIVLIES DMD is a laminate non-woven polyester fabric. In the manufacture of the laminate a high temperature resistant adhesive system is used which includes the film and protects. The impregnation is 70%. The fleece used by POLIFIBRA is suitable for high temperatures and has a very good absorbency. This is important for all of uniform absorption of impregnating agents. By impregnation with a suitable resin, the insulation class F can be achieved.

Different versions of the film type DMD

Type D 50 D 75 D 100 D 125 D 190 D 250 D 350
Nominal Thickness mm 0,15 0,18 0,20 0,23 0,30 0,35 0,45

More product specifications are available upon request.


Electrical insulation of thermal class F (155 ° C) -According to IEC 626-3 sheet 500th

Thermef is the logical development of DMD.
With the same base materials (fleece / polyester / fleece) is here through a wholly owned coating with a resin of thermal class H (180 ° C) for this product heat class F (155 ° C) erreicht.Thermef is tested according to ASTM D 1830 been. The coating is applied very evenly and at high temperatures. To 180 ° C melting is excluded. Thermef is highly compatible with the conventional impregnating resins. For Thermef we use a heat-stabilized polyester film to reduce the shrinkage at 155 ° C.

Different versions of the film type Thermef

Type D 50 D 75 D 100 D 125 D 190 D 250 D 350
Nominal Thickness mm 0,15 0,18 0,20 0,23 0,30 0,35 0,45

More product specifications are available upon request.
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